Friday, June 22, 2012

Courtney + Corey are ENGAGED

My best friend from high school just recently got engaged to the love of her life and asked me to be in her wedding!  WOO!  I said, no.  Jokes.

Since I've been thoroughly enjoying taking pics these days and have nothing but free time, I offered to take some engagement photos for Courtney and Corey as a wedding gift.  Courtney took up my offer and we had a rather eventful day!

Court, being Court, gathered ideas and props (no doubt from pinterest) to use for her photo shoot.  I definitely encouraged the idea and was excited for the prospect.  Now, don't worry, this bag of props was toted around the entire morning by none other than her maid of honor and sister, Katelynn.  She was a real sport and a BIG helper! ;)

It was hard to determine a day for our little photo shoot, as we had to deal with quite a few schedule conflicts, but we finally agreed on a Saturday morning before I was due to leave for Houston.  Now, for those of you who know photography, EARLY morning and dusk are the ideal times for capturing the best outdoor lighting.  Courtney wanted to take their pics in downtown Nola, so I thought perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if we went in the morning and found shade from the tall buildings.  My plan didn't work out so well.  We got downtown a little after 11 (late start, AHEM, Court) and the sun was BEAMING...never a good idea for good photos.  Then around 12-12:30 it started POURING!  No worries though, I made them remove their clothing and prance around in the rain.  More jokes...hehe.  The rain died down and eventually stopped after about 20 minutes, so really, who can complain?  We had a great time and I think I was able to get some real cute pics!

Ch-ch-check 'em out!

Katelynn aka prop holder ;)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dress-Up in Rivertown

While I had my little break at home, I thought it would be fun to take a few pics of the kiddos playing around in their 'dress-up' clothes.  Well, big sis told them to dress up in whatever they wanted, and I think I got some pretty cute results.  We took them to Rivertown and as usual, had some fun!

Let's try this again!

Hello, hello!

So, it's June 21, 2012 and I'm bored out of my mind.  I've been out of a job for about two months now! Some people (maybe normal people) might use this time as a chance to relax..enjoy the summer...take a breather...I don't know, be happy?  I'm practically loathing it.  I seriously hate having nothing to do!  When I first ended my contract in mid April, I went back to Nola and helped big sis with her studio work and watching the kiddos.  That kept me busy for a while.  At the end of May, I headed back to Orlando to wear my glass slippers for two weeks so that I could keep my status as a seasonal cast member.  I really enjoyed those two weeks.  I had really missed hugging the kids and listening to the crazy things that may or may not come out of their mouths.  I even got to play on the castle stage for a few days!  Fun times, fun times.  Since the recital on June 9, I've pretty much just been back and forth between Nola and Houston, working on decorating our super cool and chic apartment!  Don't worry, I'll add some photos!

It seems I'm a little at a stand-still right now.  I didn't take another contract with Disney Live for this upcoming season because I am getting married (yea! I'm getting married! FIVE MONTHS from today! Cray, cray!) and thought I would be ready to settle down a bit and start a career.  But seriously, WTH is a career?  I don't know and I don't want one.  Or at least I don't know what KIND of career I want.  Clueless really.  Here's the thing, I have so many things I love: traveling, performing, dancing, kids, fashion, photography, giving back, writing...I mean, just call me a hippie.  That's what I feel like...I love the arts.  And what do I do with these interests?  No clue.  Some might immediately say, "Oh, be a teacher!"  Well, I just don't think I have the patience for that.  I am volunteering at a local school here in Houston that teaches children with hearing/speech disabilities using non-conventional settings/methods. I'm excited to see how I like it.  I simply refuse to have a normal 9 to 5 job.  I refuse to sit behind a desk all day.  This much I do know!

With all of this said, I was looking at Pinterest (obsessed) and have seen that SO many women have blogs about anything and everything.  I tried one a few years ago when I started my travels, and then I tried again last year and I just didn't have the time (or effort) to keep up with it.  Now that I've got nothing but time on my hands, I think I'll give it a little go.  I'm going to try to recap on my life this past three-and-a-half years and take you through my travels.  If not for you, at least I can do it for myself.  I may even post a little bit of some other fun stuff...maybe some fashion, photography?  WHO KNOWS!?  Let's just see where the wind takes me...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sevilla, Spain

Well, these past two weeks have certainly been a whirlwind.  I almost feel like I can finally take my first deep breath.  I must admit in the beginning, I was nearly miserable.  For the first few days it seemed as if I had finally realized what was going on…I was actually going to be in Europe with the same 15 people for the next seven months.  I was overwhelmed.  I kept telling myself I would get over it, and eventually I did.  I allowed myself to have fun and actually enjoy myself.  Since then, I've had a blast! :)

On our first day off, Lee Lee and I figured out how to rent bikes- 10 euros for one week (there are various bike "stations" scattered throughout Sevilla where you can pick up and return your bike at any time and for countless amounts of times within your one week period).  Very cool idea!  We headed to the downtown area to discover the sites there and found lots to do!  We found an absolutely beautiful cathedral, which also happens to be one of the largest in the world.  We also found a palace called the Real Alcazar.  From the outside it looks like it is straight out of one of those Monty Python movies from the Medieval times.  Once you enter, you realize just how HUGE it is…much bigger then it seems from the outside.  I have to add that before entering the Palace, you walk behind the Cathedral and around a giant statue with a beautiful fountain…it reminded me of Italy a lot.  The area was very crowded and there were random street performers like in downtown Nola.  There was an old man playing guitar, more old men doing paintings with their dogs sitting next to them-just lovely sights all around.  Not to mention, the weather has been gorgeous!  So, the palace is simply stunning.  I really can't recite the exact history of it, but the design has a very Moroccan feel it it.  There are beautiful gardens, and parks with peacocks surrounding the palace!  We spent most of the rest of the day exploring the Real Alcazar and found that we were one of the last ones to leave.  

After leaving the palace, we discovered a sandwich place on the road across from the main University of Sevilla (gorgeous).  As most of you may know already, the local people here in Spain eat what is traditionally called, Tapas.  It's basically just small plates of food.  So, instead of getting one place of meat with two sides, you may order two to three different tapas.  It's definitely my kind of way to eat!  This way, you get to create your own meal! :)  With regards to Tapas, this is how this sandwich place was…you could order one 4-inch baguette sandwich for just 1 euro!  Lee Lee and I both got two mini sandwiches that even came with a handful of chips.  I knew I wanted a salmon and cream cheese baguette (very yummy btw) and asked my waiter for his favorite.  Therefore, my second sandwich was a type of pork cooked in this sauce that apparently is traditional to Sevilla…it was great!  We sat outside enjoying our sandwiches and people-watching-you know, just being the typical locals! hehe ;)

The next day we were able to meet up with a local girl, named Bea.  One of Lee Lee's friends went to the University I mentioned above to take classes for one semester last year, where she became friends with Bea.  This is how we heard of and met up with Bea.  She met us at the same location we had gone the day before.  Bea decided to take us to a particular restaurant that had been a favorite of Lee Lee's friend.  It was a little whole-in-the-wall place within the city streets and was very busy.  Bea ordered a tapa for us that consisted of fried eggplant with honey drizzled on top. WELL, this might be one of my new fav things!  It sounds rather odd, but is actually pretty stinkin amazing!  It was delicious.  After lunch, Bea took us to a local market that happened to be in town.  It was filled with booths that sold foods from all over the world.  It reminded me of a mini world showcase in EPCOT, lol.  There were also booths selling merchandise from the different areas-very cool stuff! :)  No, I didn't buy anything btw! Ha!  After walking around for some time, Bea had to return home to have lunch with her family (apparently this is something they do?) so she pointed us in the right direction to head to the Plaza de Espana.  We walked through a beautiful park to get there and just so happened to stop at a playground to swing on the swings for a bit-don't worry, there weren't any other kids so we didn't have to wait in line.  After some swing fun, we asked someone for further directions and found our way to the Plaza…it was STUNNING!  I don't think I can really do it justice by simply writing about it.  I will be putting up pictures of it on Kim's shutterfly account.  I'm not really sure about the history of it, but it was still a sight to see for sure.  It was this HUGE square with a beautiful building/palace surrounding the square.  There was big fountain in the center, and a mini canal-type thing going all around the square, close to the palace/main structure…picture a U-shape.  One could even take a boat-ride in this little canal like you would imagine someone taking in Venice-can u picture it?  We spent a rather long time here taking plenty of pics.  After we got our fill of pictures, we went back through the park and found an area where a girl was sitting on a blanket playing her guitar and another family was having a picnic.  Lee Lee and I decided to take a rest in the grass, listen to the girl playing the guitar…u know, just being locals again! lol

Pretty soon, we became hungry and had to find our way back out of the park and onto the city streets.  We sort of got lost, so we asked two boys walking by us if they could point us in the direction of the Cathedral (the city-center).  They were clearly our age and were very helpful.  They offered to walk us back to the University, because they had a class to attend, and then point us in the direction of the cathedral from there. Throughout our walk, we discovered they were med students from Italy attending the University through a type of transfer-program for the semester.  If any of you are thinking, O MY! BOYS!  They were just nice, friendly people, people!  Anyway, they left us at the university and showed us the way to the cathedral from there.  By this time, Lee Lee and I were so hungry, we decided to just eat at the same sandwich place as the previous day-it was cheap, it was good, and it was close!  Upon returning outside after placing our orders, we noticed the boys who walked us, were sitting at a table with a girl.  Lee Lee and I made sure to go over to them and fuss because they were obviously lying to us about the class!  Turns out, their class had been canceled so they came across the road to "take a coffee" b/c Italians need to take a coffee around this time of day (it was about 3:30).  Funny.  So, they invited Lee Lee and I to sit with them where we finally exchanged names and had a nice lunch chatting about the things we should do in Italy.  The girl that was with them is from Rome, and as it turns out, she might be going for a visit back home while our tour is in Rome-this would be pretty awesome as she could show us around! :)  After our lunch/dinner and saying our goodbyes to our new friends, Lee Lee and I were pretty pooped, and decided to ride the bikes back to our hotel for the night.  

The next day, was not an adventure, as we had dress rehearsal at the venue we performed in over the past few days.  The day after that, was our opening day, where I also had a PR to attend in the morning.  The PR was a children's hospital visit.  I was very excited, but also very nervous.  I went as an "escort" for Minnie and Mickey, not as Cinderella.  Without having to act as a specific character, and just being myself, seeing the kids hooked up to IV's made it a bit more difficult for me.  I am fairly used to seeing children from the "Make-a-Wish" foundation, and others in wheelchairs, at the parks in Orlando, but this was different.  I am happy and grateful that I got to participate, however, it definitely got to me…I got a little choked up. 

The opening that night was a great success!  Our audience was amazing!  The people of Sevilla were very energetic and loud-it made for an even better show!  I should note that by this time, our casting director (who hired me) had arrived in Sevilla.  I had met her multiple times before but never really hung out.  That night she came to dinner with us and did nothing but laugh the entire time.  Needless to say, we got along great.  The next day, Friday, Jessica (casting director) and I went shopping together at the mall around the corner from our hotel.  Please let me add a very important note here…I had been staying at this hotel for nearly two weeks and this was the FIRST time I went shopping!  Impressed? Me too!  Don't worry, I did NOT buy a sweater, sweater dress, and two adorable tops.  Glad we cleared that up.  After shopping Jessica and I had lunch at a Lebanese place that turned out to be very good!  I swear Lebanese/Greek food is completely different in Europe then it is in America…aka, it's way better in Europe.  That night we had another show-it went just fine! :)  After the show, we had an "Opening Party" right by the venue with food and drinks…it was pretty lame.  After we all got bussed back to our hotel, a bunch of us decided to head to a local club/bar where one of our local hosts knew the owner.  It was a pretty swanky place where they played flamenco music and all of the couples would do traditional Spanish dances (not necessarily flamenco).  It was really cool to see couples on the dance floor all doing the same dance-better then a movie from the 80's where this frequently happened…u know it, u know it well.  Don't worry, I was NOT about to just watch everyone do these dances!  I got one of our local hosts to teach me some of the traditional steps so I could join in on the dancing! ;)  I loved it!  I already informed Jeffrey that we're going to HAVE to take some Spanish dance lessons…it's a completely different way of dancing as a couple!  Tons of fun!  In concision, it was a great night with everyone-even our Production Director, local directors, and Jessica came.

The next day we had two shows, so I pretty much slept in and took it easy before having to go to the venue.  Today is Sunday, and there's not much to say about any adventures, except that after our 4pm show, we hopped on a bus and are now headed to Malaga, Spain.  There seems to be plenty to do and I am ready for more exploring!  

There are pictures up on shutterfly now, but there are plenty more to come!  Until next time…I love you all! <3 

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Today, I set sail (not literally) on a new journey…a new journey through Europe.  This time it will be for seven months.  Yes, seven whole months on the other side of the pond.  I will be able to explore five different countries: Spain, Italy, Turkey, France, and Ireland.  I've had mixed emotions both prior and present to this whole, new, adventure thing.  Because of this, I'd like to write about it…I'd like to use my writing as an outlet and I'd like to invite you to follow along.  Let it be known here and now that I will not make any promises.  My stories may not always be very interesting.  The content of my stories could, quite possibly, be 90% about food and/or the restaurants I have experienced-I am a fat kid.  I use quite a bit of emotion in my writing…if I'm happy, the stories may have a happy tone, if I'm pissed off, the stories could be short and to the point…if I'm lonely and homesick…I think you get the idea.  Warning: I use sarcasm, curse words, and i sometimes change my mind and decide to talk about something else completely mid-sentence…P.S.Warning: my stories tend to take the form of novels from the 18th century…i.e. they're long and probably way too descriptive and drawn out.

Ok, so now that you have the basics…let's get started.  As you may know, I have been going on these little Disney adventures since February, 2009 when I moved to Orlando, Florida all by my lonesome self.  Pause for sympathy.  When I graduated from college in August 2008, I decided I just was not ready to grow up.  I applied for and didn't get an internship with the costuming department for Disney.  WAAAHHH!! Jokes…God had something else in store for me!  In October 2008, while working as a stand-in for Renee Zelweger for a movie in Nola (wink, wink, nudge, nudge!), I headed up to Washington DC for an equity, dancer audition.  I was scared shitless, but fairly confident all the same…I really don't know why.  It was a big audition and the first of my career life…i guess you could say?  After doing several routines and making it through different 'cuts', I was videotaped, measured, and photographed along with two other girls and one boy.  I was one of four!  I was on cloud nine.  When the lady put my measurements on my resume' I saw that she had written, 'Cindy' on it.  Upon leaving the audition, I was told that our audition tapes and such would hold relevant for the next year, and that if they wanted to hire us for something, they would contact us…blah, blah, blah.  As soon as I got in the car, I called my family and loved ones to let them in on the great news.  About a month or so later, I received an e-mail from Disney Cruise Line.  It became a back-and-forth discussion regarding a job, which didn't end up being the best opportunity for both parties.  I don't remember the exact timeline, but it wasn't long after that, I was recovering from just having my wisdom teeth pulled and I received yet another e-mail…this time from a casting director for Walt Disney World Resorts.  She wanted to speak with me about an opportunity in the parks.  I was asked to give her a call…I did so immediately and with cotton still in my mouth!  I was a little excited I guess.  Kelly (the casting director) offered me a job as Cinderella.  I was speechless.  It was not what I had in mind upon flying my ass to a DANCER audition in Washington DC, BUT  It was a job. In Disney World. With a relocation package (money to move me there). I would be freaking Cinderella.  In other words, I said "hell yes! When do you want me there?!"  At the end of January 2010, I was able to attend another audition in Orlando, Florida…this one was an open audition where I would be able to meet the casting directors and they would be able to determine whether or not it would be a good fit.  I got make-up put on me, a wig, and finally the dress.  I was to walk into a room and say a few lines that Cinderella might say (they were written down-i just read them).  I'm pretty sure I was a clown.  Apparently, they were hiring clowns that day.  I was hired on the spot and told that I needed to move to Florida within two weeks.  Shocker, there.  I did it, and by February 19, 2010 I was officially a cast member of Walt Disney World Resorts.

The whole moving thing was a whirlwind.  I had to leave Jeffrey behind.  I had to leave my sister and brother, and their kids behind…it was rough.  I had never lived out-of-state before, I had never had to pay bills before, and I had never really lived on my own before.  I began to grow up without even knowing it was happening.  My time at Disney in those first months were amazing to say the least.  I made friends fairly quickly, I learned the night parade in my first week, I learned the castle show about three months later, and I learned the Block Party Bash parade at Hollywood studios about two months after that!  In Disney "world", that's crazy…people were jealous and I had to deal with the usual cattiness that came along with it.  I pulled through and got over it…i was too happy to really let it bother me.  Somewhere in between all this craziness, Jeffrey was able to visit me on multiple weekends.  We had some of our best times during those visits…it was like mini vacays every time!  We would treat ourselves to nice dinners (I wanted to eat at every single restaurant throughout the countries in EPCOT), go to the parks, ride Space Mountain over and over! (and the carousel of progress…), sneak into the fancy resorts to lay out by their pools, you know, do everything our parents didn't let us do when we went as kids! hee hee  I loved it! :)  I was also able to have my mom, sis, and her family visit so they could see me in action!  Again, amazing times…amazing times…  
So, somewhere in between and before/after all this…whatever-SOMEWHERE, I decided to shoot the shit and attend two different auditions.  One was to be a princess in Hong Kong Disneyland and the other was an audition to be apart of Disney Live!.  Apparently, someone up above was rooting for me.  I got offered both jobs.  In the end, I chose to go with Hong Kong Disneyland b/c of some contract specifics with Walt Disney Resorts.  I was under contract due to my relocation package and could not join Disney Live! without forfeiting my contract/job with Walt Disney World Resorts.  Disney Live! is under Feld Entertainment…it has nothing to do with Walt Disney World Resorts.  I didn't know all of this at the time of the audition…you live and learn!  About a month later, I moved to Hong Kong for my second adventure.

My time in Hong Kong was like a dream…an unforgettable dream (bet ya neva heard that before!)  It's a different story for a different time.  I came away a different person, a better person, because of that experience.

Upon returning from Hong Kong in April 2010, I was given thirty days to return to my full-time job with Walt Disney World in Orlando.  I spent that thirty days at home with my loved ones having a wonderful time being back in the US. :)  I was, however, excited to get back to my job of hugging kids at Disney World.  I moved back to my new apartment with a close friend I had made in Celebration, Florida.  It was the best apartment ever…the location was adorable and I enjoyed every minute.  Not two months after returning, I got a random call.  This call was from the casting director of Disney Live! offering me the same job I had turned down the year before.

As history tells you, I took the job.  I traveled to Puerto Rico, up the center of the US to Canada, and finally to Japan.  Like Hong Kong, I believe last year was a story in its own as well.  This time, my journey continues with the same show, "Mickey's Rockin' Road Show" where I play a theater kid, Cinderella, and a dancer in a live stage show.  Unlike last year, I will be on the other side of the pond for an entire seven months exploring not only Europe, but myself.  This is my journey…